"Making fun of fat people" by Mr. Banana Hammock (not Omari)
Omari hasn't posted in a while. Too bad.
I'm into my 25th day of unemployment and I find myself hopelessly addicted to "Little House on the Prairie." I follow the trials of the Ingalls family and shared their joys and heartaches as they move from Walnut Creek to Winetka in the Dakota territories owing to greedy railroad companies (bad men), Mary's blindness, but I haven't been touched by a story so deeply as I have by today's episode "The Man Inside." And the lesson I learned? Making fun of fat people is not a victimless crime.
The third episode of the fifth season of "Little House on the Prairie," "The Man Inside" tells the story of Amelia, a new girl that Laura meets in school, who is ashamed of her very overweight father, John Bevins, played by Cliff 'Fatty' Emmich. 'Fatty' played a lot of fat guy roles throughout his career, including 'Fat Stranger' in "Slither," 'Obese Promoter' in "All the Marbles," 'Tubby Comfort' in "Columbo: No Time to Die," and 'Fat Man at Telegraph Office' in "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot."
Amelia is the character that I was hot for. Good looks, long blonde hair, boobies. Played by Julie Anne Haddock, Amelia's character was a bit hard on her poor fat dad. Her father works at the blind school where Mary works. All the blind students like him a lot. They claim that they can see his love. One day, Laura and some other students from school, start making fun of the overweight person, not knowing that they were making fun of Amelia's father. Amelia's father pretends to leave town since his girl is so ashamed of him. He hides out at the blind school.
You might not remember Julie Anne as Amelia in "Little House on the Prairie" but you may remember her as the tomboyish Cindy Webster in the first season of "The Facts of Life" or her role as Cindy Webster in the episode "The Slumber Party" in the second season of the "Different Strokes" or even her role as 'Club President' in the first season episode entitled "Julie's Rejection" from that great Nell Carter vehicle "Gimme a Break!"
Anyway, when her father is involved in an accident, he nearly dies. He wants to die so as not to burden his poor daughter with her embarassment of his weight. An operation to save his life is nevertheless performed. Amelia, after overhearing how much this blind girl Sue values his presence at the school because he made her this nice loom and bead necklace,she goes up to her father's room and reveals to her unconscious dad how much she loves him. He pulls through.
And what does Michael Landon want when he finds out that Mr. Bevins pulls through? A sandwich. Go figure.
And me? I start a new job monday. Bummer.

Labels: Mr. BananaHammock, Not Omari