Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ham sandwiches SUCK, Without HAM on Them !

With all of the misspellings, strange capitalization and punctuation, and general weirdness, I really don't have a clue what this guy (permalink) is trying to say (and yes, I did that to my ex once)...

Ever wonder why it is I waste so much time on this site? Because I can't help myself! I have met some really nice Chicks on here :) I have met some really normal Chicks on here!!! :-) I have met one really crazy Chick on here—you know who you are Ms. Takoma Park Wiccan :-( and no, you weren't interesting, you frightened me. I don't care if the "regulars" here are sick of reading my ads or NOT !! I don't care if my cl stalker keeps posting INCOMPREHENSIBLE ads mocking my ads or NOT!!!! It's free and I wont stop even if "SHE" takes me off the market. If you are "SHE" or "Her", I am here. Just send me a picture of your BREASTS so I can give them NAMES before we MEET. “HER” or “SHE” should be a very weisse and "SHE" should have blue EYES or just EYES. “SHE” is smart enough to NOT look at the SUN when I say, pointing, “HEY, LOOK AT THE SUN!” (my X did that once)! I am a SCAMP! "SHE" should be HAPPY with my HONESTY if I tell her she is FAT or her BUTT looks BIG in those JEANS. Hopefully one of "HER" friends will PIMP her out to ME. :) "SHE" is also HAPPY with my small PENIS and will tell me it is the BIGGEST “she” has ever had. ME = GOOD Guy. If "SHE" is reading this, or one of "HER" friends are, remind "HER" that "SHE" should send a PICTURE of "HER" BREASTS with “HER” response so I can come up with adequate NAMES for them before we MEET!!!

He gets letters:

"You're fucken Fag. But I guess there is no sense of being an ASSHOLE , if you're not gonna act like one. Get a life, fuckhead."

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Blogger Whisky-Freaking-Pants said...

You ARe A SCAMp! Good show.

Jeebus. Do most people post ads when they are wasted? Or are our schools really that bad?

I will try to do better in sending more idiocy your way.

9:38 PM

Blogger Champion Hand Washer said...

You sent such a bounty I don't even know where to begin!

8:08 AM

Blogger Whisky-Freaking-Pants said...

Kayla is damn funny.

11:24 AM

Blogger Champion Hand Washer said...

Too funny Kayla. And yes, I think a lot of people post drunk. My craigslist stalker does anyway....

12:23 PM


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