Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Does any really take that sh*t seriously?

"Intellectual giant" (permalink) who lives in a glass house shouldn't throw stones....

My most recent predominantly current love is to read all different adds, replies, re-replies, re-re-replies, re-re-re-replies, people busting on each other, people busting on themselves, crazy people, self-absorbed people, people with low self-esteem, people with high self-esteem.......... and oh yeah, the grammer/spelling or lack thereof that people exibit.

Honestly, this add is your first impression of a person that they're themselves probably going to sleep with on the first or second date. If you cannot take the time to write a coherint sentance with no spelling errors or a paragraphs that follow some kind of logical progression, then why the f*ck would I consider replying to your add?

Anyway, I'm unimaginative. So entertain me. Now. I work in DC and there are so many hot girls walking around. Just imagine all the people you walk past every day. Just imagine that you are the king of America and you outlaw clothes for hot women. Who would make the dicisions on who would be considered hot? There are so many that it would be hard for you to judge all by yourself. Judges? Would you get to pick them? Probably, since you are the king of America. Also, think of all the hotties that you're attracted to... and you'll never have sex with like ½ of them. In real life anyway. Depressing really. But if you were the king of America, you could have sex with anyone you wanted. Who would you pick first. What if they said no. Would you put them in jail. Or imagine that you are king that everyone loves so you had sex with all. So much that your penis fell off. Scary.

So this is my home pc, but i'll only send you a pic for a pic. However, allow me to be descriptive of my presence: 6'1”, 168 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, american looks. I've been told I'm attractive. My grandma never lied to me. Alright, thats probably enough for you to want to marry me. I could list a thousand things here describing the physical/emotional aspects I'm seeking. I want a skinny woman with big tits. And attractive. A woman that shuts up when she is told to shut up. A woman whose not crazy. A woman whose not a fat woman. A woman of my own caliber of mental strengthiness?

Curious to see if anyone actually replies to this.

He gets cl M4W responses:

"Strengthiness isn't a word "Mr. Intellectual". And there's a perfectly good reason you're 36 and single. Read your profile again. It's all in there. I just saved you a shrink invoice."

"It's ironic that you complain about incorrect spelling, yet you do it yourself almost from the beginning of your ad (NOTE: It's AD and not ADD.) "

"Of course, by posting, I'm giving this putz what he wants. But I can't resist. Besides the fact that he left "one" out of the title (anyone), how can you critique anyone's grammar/spelling/sentence structure when you produce this crap? I don't even know what the first sentence means!"

Pretty damn funny. I especially like that you mispelled coherent in your commentary about the sack of shit, negligent writers who fail to spell check, or worse yet, are just too dumb.
I'm too lazy at the moment to change my e-mail listing with Craigs list, yeah mentally too tired, and honestly not interested in romance. So, this comcast address that shows, I've never used; maybe I'll figure it out. Life is very good in the romance departmernt, but I strayed from the platonic section, because it's dull and tiring. (I'm new to DC and want to meet people outside of work.)
Good luck in your search for the barbee who will sit up and shut up; she'll come in the form of a crazy woman who gets it. Crazy of course, in all the right ways."

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