Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Looking for My Doll

I think I might have done one of these before. It seems so familiar. So many guys looking for a "doll" (permalink)...

Her body is a temple of pleasure. I am sure I will not find her on here but it’s worth a shot.

I am going to lay it on the line here. I like girls with heavy latex in all the right places, have plastic mannequin-style heads and styled wigs, plastic or glass eyes, and properly molded hands and feet. Gals with a super soft Futurotic™ vagina, anus and mouth. I like gals with movable arms with soft hands and painted nails. Gals that come with multiple speed removable bullets for maximum sexual stimulation. I am certain my special doll is out there but will she find my ad and muster the courage to reply to it. I know you sexy latex women are out there, eyes wide open, mouth making a sort of “O” shape, and looking at these ads on a daily basis.

If you are looking for a guy that likes a gal that has an erotically noduled mouth, sexy long flowing hair, voluptuous and sumptuous breasts with ripe full nipples then I am your guy. OK latex ladies, if you would like to know anything about me, just email me and I will happily answer all of your questions. I've got plenty of AA batteries and Adam & Eve Fruity Booty Lube.



Blogger Melissa said...

BAD! I see that!

7:29 PM

Blogger Champion Hand Washer said...

Is that bad in a bad way or bad in a good way?

8:26 AM

Blogger Melissa said...

You're in trouble mister. I'll make you pay for that. I won't be discussing contents of my nightstand drawer with you anymore for fear it ends up on your blog or a topic of conversation at the neighborhood watering hole.

12:52 PM


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