Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

"My Dream" by Mr. Banana Hammock (not Omari)

More Omari. OMARI!!!!

My dream. This post isn't intended to talk about the "dream woman" that I might find surfing the internet or skulking in bars over a tall frosty Miller Lite. This post isn't intended to tell you that man and woman, black and white, conservative christian and sane, physicists and everybody else can somehow form some utopian society, live in giant geodesic domes like in "Logan's Run," and eat soylent green. Mostly because they killed people when they turned 30 in "Logan's Run," and that doesn't work out so well for me. Also, as we all now know, soylent green is made from people. PEOPLE!

Rather, I had this weird dream last night about carnivorous mutant toads. These regular sized mutant toads began eating humans and then became gigantic (like dinosaur sized) mutant toads but could hop great distances and crush things (and they still ate people). The humans that were bit by the toads but didn't die became rather large mutant human/toad creatures but spoke perfect english (UK english). They were by and large the main food source for these giant mutant carnivorous toads.

Anyway, I scurried around until I found this largely underground society that had escaped the toadapocalypse and founded this new utopian society. I say largely underground because some of the facilities were above ground. They were somehow safe from the giant mutant toads and their hopping because they planted these fields of flowers around the outside parts because they had figured out that the toads couldn't process the information or that the purple color of the flowers somehow acted as human camouflage or something.

Anyway, the leader of the underground communities daughter and I got together. Not sex or anything, but a sort of May/September romance blossomed. It was much like Tom and Katie. I was my age and she was like 18 or something. She kept saying, "Wait for me. Will you wait for me?" as we watched the sun set over a destroyed civilization, gigantic mutant carnivorous toads leaping across what was left of the sun as it fell below the horizon. Then I woke up.

Any Freudians out there?



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