Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

“Business suits” by Mr. Banana Hammock (not Omari)

Maybe I rely too much on Omari. But I do love his rambling posts dearly.

Although Washington, DC can be pretty buttoned down culturally, my current employer doesn’t require that I wear a business suit to work day to day. I do, from time to time, wear a business suit if I have a meeting up on the Hill or a meeting at my office, or I think maybe a business suit will impress some girl that I noticed on the 42 bus the day before and I am hoping to get noticed the next day. Now that the heat of summer is upon us, I tend to keep some clothes around the office and get them dry cleaned around the corner, and I’ll make my commute in shorts and a t-shirt. That way, I can come into work less sweaty and I save bunches on dry cleaning. Also, it lets other commuters note that I have pretty nice legs.

Speaking of legs, I was planning to prepare some musings on marriage while in the shower. I was washing, you guessed it, my legs. I work from top to bottom, but that might be the subject of another post. Yours truly has never been married. Most of the people I know are married or have been married at some point or another. At 36 it is probably not that odd, but I think it's sort of odd that I haven't been married at least once. My younger sister has been married. Three times. All to guys named Jason. JASON! Go figure. If anybody knows a Jason in need of a bride in Michigan, let me know. She's 33 and could stand to lose a few pounds and only has three kids, so not much to handle right?

Tom Cruise is going for marriage #3 I believe. And this to someone, what, 16 years his junior. Yum. Katie Holmes. I liked her in "Go" but never saw "Killing Mrs. Tingle." She got her start in acting in High School at Notre Dame Academy. It is an all-girls school located in Toledo, Ohio. Oddly enough, I'm from Ann Arbor, Michigan originally, about 45 minutes from Toledo. One of the Hammock clan, a lumberjack, was chased out of Michigan for "womanizing." I kid not. He settled in Toledo and that is where many of the Hammock clan now live. I even once dated a nice girl from Toledo when I was in High School. By nice I mean smokin' bod, very hot, and easy. We met at a club. We had fake ID's. And we slept in the back of my Toyota hatchback. It was cramped. And it sounds like a Meatloaf song, but all true.

Which I think brings me full circle. Today I had to wear a suit to work for a meeting. It was grey. White shirt. Yellow tie. These "punk rock" safety pin cufflinks. I was listening to "Bat Out of Hell" on my iPod. You know the album. And I'm sitting there, totally rocking out to "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad." And I'm in my suit. It's really hot out. And the bus? The air conditioning isn't on. What is up with that anyway?

He gets letters:

"I really enjoy your writings. I only wonder if you'll be married by the time I'm not. In any case, I hope you keep amusing me with your posts."



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