Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Experience Extreme Man on Woman Sensuality!

Last night, Orange line from Dunn Loring to Metro Center then Red line to Woodley Park. The Grosvenor train mostly empty. A cutie I flexed pointed and winked at wanted me to sign her breasts. Luckily I had my Mr. Sharpie on hand. I was wearing my Carla Behrle leather pants. No shirt. My well-muscled torso was glistening with a mixture of drizzle and sweat from my PM workout. She asked for a couple of poses and I gave her what she wanted: Front Double Biceps and a Back Lat Spread . She swooned at the sight of me – extreme vascularity, ripped definition, extreme cell volumnization, stamina, endurance, complete hydration. Trust me. You would have also had you been there to witness the display.

Instead of heading directly home, I stopped by Angles for a Cadenhead's Old Raj Gin and Hybolin Decanoate. Cracking my neck, I take a sip and scan the room. My head bobbing in rhythm to music that only I can hear. Wink point with a trigger finger. She comes up. I don’t know her name. I didn’t ask. She did though. She asked to experience my version of man on woman sensuality. She has heard I mix the Tantra with the Tao for a lovemaking far superior to what you would normally experience from the regular posters on craigslist. She knows I know how to create a circuit from her yoni to her thigh. She knows I know Cat And Mice Sharing A Hole, Cicada On A Bough, and the Dragon Turns. What she doesn’t know is that I don’t have time right now.

I pay and head home to my Adams Morgan compound. I order General Tso’s Penguin from the organic Chinese restaurant in Woodley Park. Waiting for dinner I settle into my couch and watch “Degrassi: Next Generation” on the NOGN.

Me you ask? Eating birds that swim. Signing breasts with a Mr. Sharpie. Superior coitus. That is what I am about. And if you are tired of the guy looking for a woman to fuck, and would prefer to experience extreme man on woman sensuality, you know where to write.

He gets letters:

"Sensei! I'm a guy, checking out the competition, but wanted to congratulate
you on your Mark Leyneresque story. If I were a babe I'd do ya..."

"please tell me you are joking"

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