Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Geniune and Smert Guy Looking to Join Polite Society

Young "open-minded" fella in geniune need of a dictionary seeks the company of a woman. Must have car. (permalink)

Hi, this is my very firstist time doing this sort of thing, but I'm hopeful of the results. I'm not sure how many responses I will get, but I’m so incredibly hopeful that I want to apologize in advance to the literally thousands of you hot ladies for not getting back to all of you. I won’t be able to respond to everyone. A fellas got to be a little picky.

About me: I'm 6'1", brown haired, brown eyed, honest, caring, intelligent, and open-minded. I don't place much stock in standardized tests, since I only got a 1050 on the SATs. Although I did score a 780 on the logic section of the GRE (when they used to have that section) – Spock, eat your heart out!!!! I enjoy movies a great deal. Some of my favorites include: Midnight Plowboy, Country Cuzzins, The Opening of Misty Beethoven, Edward Penishands, and She’s Having a Baby. I also enjoy sports, reading, and video games (among other things).

Being open-minded, I'm looking for an intelligent, attractive, white woman preferably between the ages of 27 and 36 (although I am willing to consider younger women depending on the circumstances, like they are super intelligent, or super attractive or super white). Someone who is comfortable spending Friday nights out on the town or just hanging out at home. Also, a sense of humor is a must - mine tends to run towards the quoting Monty Python side of things.

I ought to disclose some things as well: I'm living with my parents. I don't drive. I don’t have a car. I don’t have a job. I snort when I laugh. My penis is small. I’m a virgin. I am needy and clingy. I whine. A lot. Especially when I don’t get my way. If any of these are dealbreakers, move along. Otherwise I look forward to hearing from all you women out there on the internets!!!!

Lastly: no pic, no response.

He gets letters:

"You are a terrible person, making fun of that Geoge Mason boy. When I first read your post, I thought that you were funny. After I read his, I just realized that you are cruel, and unoriginal!"

"you are mean. but funny."

"I love you Mr. Banana Hammock."

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