Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

I want a girl who will stand before me naked

Or one wearing a short skirt and a loooong jacket (permalink)...

...[who] says, Drink deeply, pilgrim but don't forget there's still a woman beneath this resplendent chemise. And I'll kneel there at the delta, at the alpha and the omega, at the cradle of the river and the seas. And like a blessing come from heaven for something like a second I'll be healed and my heart will be at ease.

Ok, not the best opening for a post but does anyone really want to have anything in life that cannot by summarized by the paraphrasing of a somewhat obscure Leonard Cohen song that seems to be in some respects about the restorative powers of cunnilingus?? My face on your crotch?? It is a great look though. : )

Anyway, to the point of my post…
The “short skirt and a loooong jacket” guy posts the same post so frequently, I figured he must be raking in the chicks. And then I figured he must have stumbled upon a winning formula, so here goes...

I am a swm, professional, educated (only grad degrees) have lived in the area for a while but at times feel like I've been living here all my life. Snarky, somewhat gooey, dark hair, brown eyes, not a gym rat by a long shot, although yesterday lost 5lbs as the result of stomach flu. I'm well read and love to travel, jaded and bitter, and deadly serious. And for you ladies that like guys that are “bad,” I'm bad. And dangerous. Professionally, I am beginning to hate my new job.

So that is me… what about you? Ideally, you would be attractive, intelligent, height / weight proportionate, outgoing and love to laugh, read and travel. Oh psychos, commitment-phobes, and the depressed find me almost irresistable.

Uncertain if anyone other than guys frequent this site but should you be of the female variety of guy and if you share an appreciation of any of the above, please drop me a line.

Please send a pic of yourself or some “barely legal” porn chick. This seems fair as attraction is important (just being honest) and sometimes fantasy is better than reality. Bonus points if you really are a “barely legal” porn model.

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