Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Daytime Fun, Sans BananaHammock!!

I cannot say what inspired this post, but I think it had something to do with some guy who wanted to cheat on his wife and promised "daytime fun" and the proclivity for others to post pictures of themselves with their significant others spraypainted or blocked out in some way.

If hiking naked in the middle of nowhere or being ravaged indiscretely in the middle of nowhere sounds like your kind of fun drop a note. So the Holidays have been a let down for you? I'm in Pellston, MI damnit! Let me play a tiny violin for you... Brite, wittie, creatif, gregariuos, has "smats", shamelessly flirty, online porn surfing, sexually inexperienced 36 y/o professional single man is searching for a playmate....maybe it goes on for some time maybe not....it's gotta fit into both our schedules (lifetime) so it's a long shot. Be open minded, playful and imaginative and willing to be led astray ;)

Happy New Year!!!
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