Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Mr. Banana Hammock LOVES Guinea Pigs Too!

This guy also likes cavies...but not as much as me.

As you can see from the pictures below, I too love adorable lil guinea pigs :) Their soft soft fur, the charming squeaking sound they make, the taste of their tender flesh. Seeking the LOVE of a woman who loves them too!

I'm 36, a former policy wonk in DC, single, 6'1" tall. I have lived/studied overseas, active in sporting events like beer pong, extreme eating, and bungie motocross. I also like to reenact future events and am writing a novelization of the “Chronicles of Narnia” films which I hope to sell to Double Day or Regnery. I live in a community of poets, artists, drunkards, imbeciles, and NIMBY yuppies.

Seeking a skinny single woman with big boobs who is caring & loving, and who also loves cavies like I do. (guinea pigs). :) :) Mr. Banana Hammock :) :)

He gets letters:

"too. damn. funny."

"My stomach hurts from laughing so hard. That is absolutely brilliant. :-) You have made my day and then some!"

"Mr banana hammock, I just love you- your posts help me through the painful workday. Thanks!!"

"That is Awful!!!!"

"Im so glad you're back. I was worried you had gone and found love or something! Another great parody! Interesting factoid, I actually rode in a carpool today with the Guiniea Pig Historical re-enactor, and I am oddly compelled to help him with a better picture. But I never do. Happy to see your hilarity return! Well done spacechap!"

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