Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Still bored of that "half-crazy woman" guy...

He moves and shakes, but still he comes up with the same lame posts. BTW, if he builds his castle in the sky, and a crazy person lives in it, someone else has the rent...

Neurotics build castles in the sky, but psychotics repost the same ad over and over and over. If I were a rich man, they’d call me a rich guy whose seen the quality of M4W posts slip dramatically as of late...but instead I’ll need to settle for “irreverent” or “mean.” Or someone once called me a "bastard." It was my mom I think. What does this mean?

First off, I think WAY too much...and I talk too much. I have no impulse control. There is no filter. Nope. I think and talk and talk and think and talk some more and there is nothing to filter what I am am thinking and talking about at all and it just comes out. What am I saying? There is no filter. I have opinions on everything from politics, gay marriage, masturbation, internet porn, chinese food, Spain, dessert toppings, and I’m passionate about it all. (The "half-crazy" woman reposter is responsible for everything that is wrong in the world...chocolate does not go with everything...and the Chinese are responsible for Chinese food).

I read a LOT. Of all sorts. I am intelligent and consider myself to be an intellectual "Half-crazy woman" guy despises intellectuals because he feels that intellectuals treat information too sterilely...too objectively. He says, “Have an opinion for crying out loud!” Here's an opinion for you, "Get a new shtick already! Your old one is tired and played out!"

And you take women pistol shooting on dates? Whoever said romance is dead? [/sarcasm]

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