Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Maniac seeks Skinnydipster; or is it Skinnydipster seeks Maniac?

Daily repeater, so you know it has got to be working...

36 year old male who "has a beautiful mind" (thanks mom -- that's a very nice thing to say) from ginko biloba, crossword puzzling, reading fiction and non-fiction, and bending spoons with the power of thought alone seeking brilliant, beautiful, and charming counterpart in her late 20s or early 30s for mind control experiments, investigating the conspiracies of the Illuminati, general ufology, and all around good times.

I'm into looking good, dressing fashionably, swimming naked, independent film, sad Lloyd Cole music, and weekends in bed doing stuff like thumb wars or the “antler dance.” You have fairly recondite and esoteric tastes involving a passion for abstruse obscurism, redundancy, food, and martinis and are looking forward to the new theatre season and exhibits at Cherry Red and the Mutter Museum. Oh -- and you’ll never admit to have read “The DaVinci Code."

Arrivaderla tutti!

He gets letters:

"I've seen the Craigslist ad from which your - much funnier - ad is based. I just had to tell you how hilarious I thought it was! I'm not quite what you're looking for age-wise (I'm twenty-one), but I couldn't resist dropping you a line just to give props."

"What the Hell is the Antler dance?"

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