Looking for $exy woman between 27-35
Wondering what thi$ guy really i$ after...
Looking for a $exy di$creet woman that want$ relation$hip with a hand$ome $ingle guy. I’m pretty low maintenance. Maybe get married and have kid$ (do people $till do that??).
$orry. My $ key i$ mi$$ing. I’m not $uper rich.
He gets letters:
"The collateral amusement you give me as you endeavor to self amuse is really worth the time you spend."
"Can you be creative enough and compose a message without "s"? so you don't have to type "$" and confuse people? :)"
"Hee. Very creative."
nice that you link to a whitesupremicist site to support your ant-jew screed about brooklyn jews
11:23 AM
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