Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Friday, August 12, 2005

I'm a Tootsie Pop®

Someone (see below) suggested I should now be a Tootsie Pop®.

I'm a Tootsie Pop®.

I have a hard candy outer layer.
You won’t want to bite into me to reach the center as I am hard and may injure your teeth.
But, you’ll enjoy licking me and licking me until you get to my center.
Just how many licks will it take to get to my soft and chewy center?
It depends on a variety of factors such as the size of your mouth and the amount of saliva you can muster.
But when you do you'll get a chewy chocolaty treat when you get to the inside of me.

Don't ask me to change, I am after all, a Tootsie Pop®.

He gets letters:

"Yes, I laughed. Loudly, too. I love the ad! I wonder what the onion guy thinks of your ads. Does anyone ever e-mail you to complain about you spoofing their ads? BTW, a woman in the W4M section included your Ariyan baby making Jesus ad in her list of M4W ads that she thought sucked. She didn't get that it was a joke. Which, of course, makes it even funnier."



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