Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Friday, August 26, 2005

I am a common marmoset

Even more a la the I am an onion guy...

I am a common marmoset.

I am a small, highly active mammal with a gastrointestinal tract adapted to enable caecal fermentation.
I am the smallest nonhuman primate commonly used in biomedical research.
In the wild I eat a varied diet which includes fruit, insects, lizards, eggs, small birds and the gum or exudates of trees.
I have fluffy white ears and will throw my poop at you.
My genus is Callithrix, but spell-check would change this to “Clitoris” if I let it.

Don't ask me to change, I am after all, a common marmoset.



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