Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Everbody of quality ladies?

So many linguistically challenged italian guys, so little time...


everyone decent out there reading this?

Tired of meeting guys in bars, metro, supermarkets, church or craiglist just looking for one thing? (Well same goes here for me and girls - they are all over me) Go with quality I say, not quantity!

I just relocated to the area in February of 1997. I am a science policy Researcher/Sex Coach/work-model that was just hired in the area 8 years ago. I moved here only knowing 4 people. What else? I played with myself & Nintendo in college. My sis plays the federal assistance system. I graduated Magna Cum Laude with 1 degree. Then I graduated another time with another degree. Both degrees were in art history. I am 6'0 167 and work out everyotherday. I am also looking for a workout partner to hit the sack with intense physical activity.

I am Germano-Franco-Anglo, Athletic, Smart, into fitness, intellectual, know how to dress myself (I learned this at a very young age) and I am picky about underpants, have a good relationship with my mom and family, have manners, I take care of my teeth and other hygiene, washing my privates almost daily, and I eat healthy foods. I DON'T chew except for food. Some of my hobbies include work-modeling, rock concerts (I use to play air-guitar in a band), and mind control experiments, moving objects and stuff, oh and googling.

If you wana get a hold of me, it’s the anonymous email above...or try SEXFREAKYDEAKY23 on the Y or simply Mr.Banana.Hammock on the gmail.

Who I'd like to meet: If you are a fatty fatty fat fat, I probably wont be interested.

I am in search of a clean, lovely woman who will feed me an all you can eat brunch buffet of her bodies of bacon and hash browns and eggs benedict and mixed seasonal fruit. Multiple orgasms is the waffle station. There is also a carving station. A big roast beef. Brunch time only! Serious replies only! Smart girls only! Hot and thin girls only! A limited time only! I promise you’ll warble like a morning lark and shiver like a badly tuned diesel engine. (If after all of my adverbs and similes, you still don't get it...just walk on by...it just wasn't meant to be 8=========D).

He gets letters:

"25 yo female here - you got to be kidding me LOL."



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