Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Sparkly Flair for International Barbie

This one is for Mir who sent me a link to a poster looking for a pocket-sized, read 6", girlfriend. Unfortunately he took his post down before I could capture it for posterity.

Ciao Bella

Si tu parles anglais, frances, Tagalog, Judeo-Crimean Tatar, Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, Jamaican Country Sign Language or anything else that has a cute accent or involves using your hands to communicate, even Sipakapense (love that Guatemalan charm), drop me a line with a pic so I can see your cute smile. In terms of physical attributes preferences, since I am 6’ and average, I tend to like shorter than me and have dated Barbie DollsTM who were 14" so I am not opposed to being the tall one. Lets get together for drinks or else and get to know each other.

Please weigh around 115-130 pounds, have 30 to 36 inch hips, an 18 to 23 inch waist, and a 38 to 48 inch bust.

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