"Girl Fights" by Mr. Banana Hammock (not Omari)
Yum. Omari AND girl fights...
“Total Recall,” “The Mummy Returns,” “One Million Years B.C.,” “Black Momma, White Momma,” Undercover Brother,” “Wild Things II.” All great movies. What do they all share in common? Great girl fights. Who can forget Raquel Welch against Martine Beswick in those infamous fur bikinis? Or Denise Richards fighting Neve Campbell, and as they struggle in a swimming pool, finally ending up in a hot smoochy embrace? Or Denise Richards fighting Aunganue Ellis, tearing at each others clothes, and winding its way to a hot shower scene? The guys, of course pull up chairs to watch.
Social workers, teachers, parents, and school administrators are increasingly asking themselves-“Are girls getting more violent?” There has been a 70% increase in U.S. arrests for assaults by adolescent girls, which offers some support for the claim of increasing violence within this population. However, most recent literature and research on this topic has linked the use of physical violence solely to at-risk populations, for example, low income and minority children and those parented by single mothers. Others feel that physical aggression is possibly a symptom of changing gender roles; that violence is becoming normative for females across class, race and ethnicity and that culture of increased aggression may be emerging in adolescent females as the meaning of being a good girl/woman is in flux.
An author named Jay Dubya once wrote that girl fights are quite dangerous because they involve pulling hair and scratching and clawing with long “talons.” He reports an incident that ended in the death of a colleague and friend of his, Charlie Southard. He writes that “two big girls were pummeling and mauling each other as if they were vicious alley cats…it took a full five minutes to finally restore order amidst an overzealous audience of a hundred or so "student" spectators.” Three weeks later his friend Charlie Southard died of a massive coronary. The connection seemed obvious to Mr. Dubya, who, his biography reports, was not only a teacher for 34 years but also enjoys listening to music by the Beatles, the Beach Boys, the Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac, the Eagles and John Fogarty. I guess that makes him an expert both in medicine and psychology.
I was having a conversation with a couple of female friends the other week at the Evens Ft. Reno show about girl fights. I find them hot. I don’t think I’m singularly unique on this topic. They don’t have to be fighting over me, just fighting over something. Tearing off clothes and eventually ending up wet, either naked or see through. The boyfriend of one of my friends, while not saying anything, gave me the impression of tacit agreement but feared actually saying so out loud for fear of not getting any hot man on woman action. Or maybe he feared her bend-over-boyfriend. I’ll never know as they are no longer together.
I don’t know where I was going with this other than I find girl fights hot. But only if they are tearing off each others clothes. And somehow water is involved.
He gets letters:
"I would really love to suck you cock ...."
Labels: Mr. BananaHammock, Not Omari
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