"Conspiracies" by Mr. Banana Hammock (not Omari)
Even more Omari for your consumption...
I recently finished a book by Jim Marrs called "Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids." Apparently,the world's richest and most powerful individuals wield excessive influence over governments and news media through their control of multinational corporations and secret societies such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the international Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group. Their aim is one-world government and centralized social control and the ideas come from Freemasonry and the Illuminati. He also sets forth an argument that extraterrestrials founded the earth's earliest civilizations.
Another important scholar, David Icke, who spins a tale of a conspiracy as old as time itself, leading us to a rather disturbing hypothesis found in the Book of Genisis, that brother Cain was indeed the offspring of the Serpent and Eve, and that his twin brother Able, was the offspring of Adam and Eve. From there we jump to the truth of a reptilian-like race of people, still living on the earth and controling mankinds agenda. They look very much like humans, but are only disguised as such. Queen of England? Lizard. George W. Bush? Lizard.
It reminds me of that TV show from my youth, "V.""V" tells the story of a race of aliens who visit Earth with the promise of technology and cures for disease in exchange for our aid in producing a chemical needed on their planet. Again, another conspiracy. Their true intent is to steal Earth's water, and people...for food. Their peaceful facade slowly disolves to expose their facist mentality. Scientists, who are viewed as a threat by the aliens for their potential to uncover the truth, are persecuted, not only by the aliens, but by the humans who follow the aliens like sheep. And the aliens are aren't really human looking, but giant lizard-humanoids, much like David Icke describes.
"V" starred Marc Singer of "Beastmaster" fame as Mike Donovan, who helps lead the resistance and Robert Englund or "Freddy" plays Willie, a good natured alien who doesn't seem to know what is going on. Former Ms. New Hampshire and Melinda Cramer Janssen #2 from "One Life to Live," Jane Badler, plays evil alien Diana.
I was never a big fan of "One Life to Live" but instead followed pretty religiously "Days of Our Lives," even to the point where my mother, while I was in Europe, would send me synopses of the soap that would appear in our local paper. I even remember with fondness the Summer of 1996 where Stefano kidnaps Marlena for like the second or third time, takes her to Paris, and keeps her in a giant gilded birdcage.
I admired Stephano's tenacity as well as the tenacity of the alien/lizard's visitors from "V," but these are just fictions. As for David Icke, he is clearly nuts. However, I would like to cover all of my bases and say "all hail our alien-humanoid overlords."
Labels: Mr. BananaHammock, Not Omari
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