Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Super Premium Vanilla seeks Decadent Flavored Swirl

Nobody does a weird metaphor better than I do (permalink).

Indulge yourself in my creamy decadence. Savor the sweet without the sacrifice and enjoy it all knowing there's no sugar added! It's a situation fraught with joyosity when flavors mix and melt together and that's what I'm searching to do with you...your flavors twist and swirl around my vanilla base...caressing me with your coffee fudge, strawberry, or hazelnut swirl. Raspberry or double vanilla also ok... you know what I am about...we're both looking for a long term relationship and the passion between us finds you on top again and again.

I'm a romantic at heart... how about you? And I'm only 3 net carbs...what about you?

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