Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Max Thrust....and naked pictures...

My bedroom? 9,200-Thread-Count 100% Cotton sheets by Armani. Cream colored to avoid potential "staining" when I am actually entertaining a georgetown co-ed over at my well-appointed condo. Usually I do my business in the bathrooms of the various DC neighborhood bars with many an eager mouth. Me? Max Thrust. Lobbyist for the Free Speech Coalition. My recent problem? Naked pictures.

Naked pictures posted on the Internet of an aide to Missouri Gov. Tad Clunt (R) to be exact. Son of House Minority Whip Goy Clunt (R), are proving fodder for a bare-knuckles political spat.

The state Republican Party is blaming Democrats for sharing the pictures — which apparently were stolen from the aide’s computer — with the media. When I spoke to another lobbyist, Frank L. Dudd, he said that “This does nothing to further political discourse and has no place in Missouri politics. We have actively discouraged the press from reporting on this.”

OK, the political back-and-forth may be interesting, but the pictures, you ask, what about the pictures? Turns out, they’re not as titillating as you’d think for all the fuss. Or at least in DC. There is no good place to insert "bend-over boyfriend" in this post is there? As always, my blackberry is on...

He gets letters:

"Are u sure ur sheets r 9.200 thread count? U might mean 900? I never heard of 9.200 thread count, but then again, u could have some absolutely amazing sheets? I luv great sheets, just bought 1,000 thread count sheets last weekend, they look great. So what r u lookin for?

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