Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Cerebral-Tsar seeks Tsarina: woman for a man REPLETE with Smartiosity

If your going to go on and on about how intellectual you are, please please spell-check before posting. Please? (permalink)

I'm not sure there are many women that share a similar sized brain-pan as I trolling craigslist, but I figure if there are, it'll put the ball in your court. I've wasted too much time with intellectual inferiors who don't know the difference between rational and natural numbers or even old formula coca-cola versus new formula coca-cola for that matter. Sycophants are great. But I have plenty and I tire of their incessant drooling over my intense intellecualnessment. I'm not looking for more women to worship me as a god. Heavens know I've got too many of these “hangers-on” already. I'm interested in dating and relationships. I'm interested in seeking out and exploring what my lessers seem to find so engaging.

I'm 37. White. A former grad student in Art History. I'm funny (I'll tell you a joke if you want but you probably will not get it because I am much smarter than you. Trust me, it's true), confident in ways you will never understand, and I will point out your errors and misjudgments, if only to help you be a better person. I love to cook, read, write, think grand thoughts, and look down on you. There's also a part of me that loves the baser parts of the culture we share: para-bungee-sailing, extreme moto-golf, and “dancing” the YMCA..

I like intelligent women. VERY intelligent women, on the order of IQs well over 100. Most women want smart, but not too smart. I'm very intellectual. I'm not arrogant or stuck-up, just honest about your intellectual inferiority to me. I chose this path of condensation over some very good law schools, medical schools, and even a certain Clown College located in Sarasota, Florida that will remain nameless because I don't like to brag. If you can't understand why someone would do that, I'm not for you.

I'm very liberal. Don't bother if you're conservative. I have European heritage but I'm not European.

I've traveled a lot: all over Michigan, Northern Virginia, Maryland, and even parts of Florida. I spent one summer at a sleep-over camp in Northern Michigan and didn't even once cry for my mommy. Good times.
He gets letters:
"Narcissistic Personality Disorder sufferers are so adorable. I just want to cuddle you."
"I posted an ad today please read below if you are interested please respond with a picture. By the way your ad doesn't [sic] intimitate me - no man can tell me he is smarter then me..."

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