Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

∞ KOTEKA ∞ Top 10 cool things about wearing a koteka:

SWM, I don't get you...(permalink)

Top 10 things about wearing a koteka (for men):

10. When everyone is sweating in their business suits during those hot and humid DC summers, you'll be cool as can be
9. You never have to "stuff" again!
8. You can get a budgie and no one knows
7. You'll probably get a whole car to yourself on Metro
6. Perfect for those formal embassy events, well Papua New Guinea embassy events anyway
5. No one mistakes you for a fashion victim
4. Great for your wedding photos, Christmas cards, High School reunions, whatever!
3. If you wear a double penis gourd, held up with a strip of cloth, you can use the space between the two gourds for carrying small items such as money and tobacco
2. (insert your favorite one here... email me)
1. It got your attention!

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