Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Friday, September 01, 2006

viscous liquid made from the distillation of organic matter baby

TAR! Baby (permalink). I think I get why he titled his craiglist ad in a forum for men seeking women to date. What I don't get is why his posted his ad in a forum for men seeking women to date. I also don't entirely get his post. I must admit I also don't really get his fear of proper sentence construction, proper spelling, proper punctuation, un-mixed metaphors, and making sense. I wish him luck though...

words have never failed me before. why would they do so now? even if i wrote a million words on a million pages, you will never find a single capital letter used. i think my shift key is broke. i, also, have a slight problem with proper grammar; and punctuation. i think it is the result of her. yes her. while it’s been a long time i haven’t been able to let go. well, i have let go. somewhat let go. i told her and she told me back and then i spoke and she said, “whatever.” i told her that wasn’t very polite. i am a gentleman and deserve to be treated as such. then she’s all, “people who pick their noses and leave them on little pieces of paper all over the apartment aren’t gentlemen for that matter, nosepickers aren’t gentlemen. so then i told her what she didn’t want to hear. i told her that her ass did indeed look fat in those jeans and that i’d been lying all these many years, whether it makes a difference to her in her crazy mixed up bizzaro world is up to her in that world.

i’ve never been afraid to be myself with myself. or even in front of other people. some people may have hated me for it, but they’re just jealous of my greatitude. others, the smart ones, sing my praises. on several occasions i’ve favorably compared myself to the dalai lama and jesus. i mean we strike a similar pose, don’t we? i’m still here. breathing and waiting. waiting and breathing. taking bathroom breaks from time to time. waiting and breathing (with the occasional bathroom break) for a sign. a sign of something. listening closely i await for the red light to turn green.



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