Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Kisses Like Butterflies

Awash in bad similies and metaphors...

I want to spend time with a woman who I can talk to all night about anything until we are kicked out of the bar and quite possibly required to take breathalyzer tests to avoid spending a night in lock-up. We know that we are into each other by the way are eyes are on each other like a Mary-Kate Olsen’s on a Big Mac®.

Her kisses are butterfly kisses. Like the way a butterfly kisses the windshield of my Toyota as we cruise down 95 and we stick to the seats making out and talking more about our dreams, lives, and favorite countries wondering how we can get there in August. I tear at her blouse like a man, perhaps even me, who is excited to receive his UPS package from Amazon.com. His Star Wars Box Set has finally arrived! My member becomes hard. Not hard like the former Chilean Dictator Augusto Pinochet, but rather hard like when you accidentally bang your elbow on your desk.

Let's make this spring and summer the start of our plans. Please send a pic and I will extend the courtesy as well.



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