Ladies Beware of Mr. BananaHammock
Someone was warning earlier on craigslist of a new scam from Nigeria: The Nigerian Gentleman Scam. He's not really a gentleman, but he lulls you into a stupor with his sexy Nigerian accent and then juggles you with about 4 other women. Unfortunately I couldn't get the post before it disappeared...
This guy comes off a cocksure expert of man on woman sensuality who is totally against monogamy. His first conversation normally starts with him telling you how he drinks only Goldschlager® in order to enhance his inner “bling.” He’ll also mention his big rotating bed and the mirrors on the ceiling of his bedroom. He states he only eats endangered animals. He’ll offer to sign your breasts with his “Mr. Sharpie.” Low and behold this is how he reels you in.
He is a pathological liar! For instance, beaver is NOT endangered!
He only knows 5 sex moves which he learned about on the internet. He’s a serial monogamist. Watch out for this smooth talking Michigander.
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