Just me having fun with the sad sacks of craigslist M4W in Washington, DC.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Sure I'm poor...but...

It's all about the benjamins...

It is not all about the money to me. I don’t have any. I have problems meeting women that satisfy my needs as the circle of people that I tend to be around produce poor women who cannot keep me in the style to which I am accustomed.

I have plenty of time on my hands, which I use trying to perfect my sexual techniques (see below). Though I do find myself desiring a companion when I'm home or traveling to my mom’s house in Michigan. Could you be someone who I would connect with?

What I am looking for is a low maintenance woman who can handle me working my way into every aspect of your life like, um, maybe cancer. I am fairly attractive and I expect you to be as well. From the paper sacks I wear as shoes to my green sweatpants I want you to look as good on my arm as they do on me. Plus having a beautiful woman beside me on the 42 bus is half of what taking public transportation is all about. Can I borrow 35 cents for a transfer?

As for sex...well that is another difficult area. I have spent many years attempting to perfect my various techniques to please a woman: man on top, man on bottom, man back on top again maybe even. Kissing privates too!!! I am told it is an amazing feeling of power to make a woman orgasm multiple times. I have yet to achieve this. The problem with all of my expertise is that most women please me in return way too fast. Like 5 minutes or so. Oh. I’m also rather small.

Send me a picture that gets my attention along with a reply that stimulates conversation and I will reply. If you do not send a picture I will not reply.

He gets letters:

"Just had to say that the sweatpants and brown bag shoes was far
funnier than the rich man bit. So which is it? Rich or poor? Can't you decide?"



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