Ambush Makeover - DC edition
Extreme makeover? I still don't get the title of this guys post, second in two days...
Haha, I cannot believe I am doing this, my friend got me hooked, honest. First time posting this. Really. I am 35 and live in NW DC area. I am a working professional who is currently working on my vast internet porn collection at night. I am very cute and can dress to impress. Yesterday, I was the sharpest dress person in my office (which is full of girls). Today I am in jeans. But impressive jeans.
My problem is that I cannot find a girl who can keep up with me or that I can click with. For example, in 2004, I went to 2 ENTIRELY DIFFERENT concerts (I saw Tom Jones at Wolftrap & the Stars of American Idol at the MCI Center). I am very low maintenance as long as you do everything I say and exactly how I want it done.
A lot of stuff is on my plate in May so it would be fun to have a girl to go with. Hill hearings, navel gazing, you name it.
I am a fan of the "consensus ad idem" type of relationship.
Also, I have lots of things coming up this summer and would like to have a girl to hang with and see what happens. I am mature but enjoy being silly once in a while. Golden Girls and Silver Spoons are the funniest shows in the world.
PS - Bonus points IF you 1) are female 2) own a dress 3) eat critters :)
He gets letters:
"you sir...are brilliant."
"Already, I want to stalk you a little."
"Hi! You sound adorable! :} You definitely are fun! I can just tell, I'm still smiling from thinking about your ad. And you completely Tricked me with that ambush makeover title!! Ok.. your turn.. let's see you Mr Personality."
"OK I am a girl, I do own a adress, I eat critters (my roommate thinks I am awful since I am a caarnivore) but otherwise not sure I meet your standards. I do not have a photo to send as my computer crashed so have to use anothers. I do not do everythign I am told either :o)"
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